Recycled Crafts: Kids' Crafts With Bottles and What to Make With Bottle Caps
You’re a real hero saving the world like you do when you make recycled crafts. Just because you’re not wearing a cape and can’t fly as well as Superman does not mean that you’re any less of a miracle-worker.
As I’m sure you’ve heard at your weekly superhero meeting, plastic is a problem for our beloved Earth. While citizens of this great planet try to remember reusable water bottles everywhere they go, there are still millions of plastic water bottles being thrown out each year. Cut down on water bottle waste and use your old hydration containers to make recycled crafts. Even a superhero like you will be shocked at the amazing results of using recycled materials to make kids’ crafts.
It might sound like an exaggeration, but creating water bottle crafts and crafts with bottle caps instead of simply tossing trash is a simple but heroic way to help our planet. Instead of buying craft supplies whenever you want to make a project, make recycled crafts out of items you’ve already used. Believe it or not, you can use every part of jars and bottles to create cool crafts that look as good as new. Both the body and the lid are ever-so-useful components to your next piece of art. AllFreeKidsCrafts is here to teach you how to make the most of your used plastic with Recycled Crafts: Kids Crafts With Bottles and What to Make With Bottle Caps.
Keep up the good work, heroes. Report back with your completed missions at the next meeting, and be prepared to share your awesome kids’ crafts with bottles.
Recycled Crafts: Kids' Crafts With Bottles and What to Make With Bottle Caps
Table of Contents
Reuse Plastic Bottles for Kids' Crafts
Kids' Crafts With Jars
What to Make With Bottle Caps
Reuse Plastic Bottles for Kids' Crafts
Turn that frown upside down, hero. Don't feel bad about how many plastic bottles you've used. Instead turn the situation into a positive one by making some truly great recycled crafts. You can transform your old bottles into fashionable cuff bracelets, a time capsule, a rocket, a boat for your bath, and more. There are so many options for what your plastic bottle can become, that you're sure to find the water bottle craft that is perfect for you. Kids can even step up their superhero status by making gifts for your friends and family.
- Water Bottle Bubbles
- Tiny Tot Time Capsule
- Soda Bottle Terrarium
- Make Your Own Magnifying Glass
- Creative Cuff Bracelets
- Fish Bottle Bath Toy
- Miss Money-Saving Squid
- Plastic Bottle Apple Gift
- Plastic Bottle Bowling
- Water Bottle Rocket
- Bargain Bathtime Boat
- NEW! Rainbow Wind Spinner
- NEW! Crazy Comet Water Bottle Crafts
- NEW! Totally Toddler Discovery Bottles
Kids' Crafts With Jars
Little earth-saving heroes eat a ton of protein, which means that you probably have empty peanut butter jars aplenty. Instead of kicking those jars to the curb and creating more waste, use them for fun. Creating something new with plastic lids and Mason jar lids is only one way you and your kids can craft the eco-friendly way. You can use the jar, too! No matter which of these recycled crafts you choose to make, keep your old jars out of the trash, and you'll end up saving cash when you craft.
- Fairytale Twinkle Jars
- Glittery Snowglobes
- Bean in a Jar Biology Lesson
- Embellished Art Supply Jars
- Hanging Glass Butterfly Feeders
- Sunny Sunflowers
- Glitter Bugs
- Bottle Top Turtles
What to Make With Bottle Caps
No matter what kind of bottle you have, glass, plastic, or sports, you can make amazing crafts with bottle caps. If you're feeling really artsy-craftsy, embark on a mosaic adventure as a family. If the kids would rather play with your recycled materials crafts, experience an alien invasion or construct a catapult. Because bottle caps are so small, you'll find that people don't even bother to throw them in the garbage can. That means that bottle caps are littering the Earth on top of creating more waste. That sounds like a job for a superhero, just like your little Earth enthusiasts. Gather bottle caps to transform them into fun recycled crafts that will help save our planet.
- Upcycled Cap Stamps
- Secret Green Garden
- Matchbox Bottle Top Vehicle
- Bottle Top Alien Invasion
- Bottle Cap Catapults
- Bottle Cap Magnet Fun
- Bottle Cap Mosaic
- Bottle Top Fridget Magnet
- Resin Bottle Cap Pins
- NEW! Bottle Cap Fishies
- NEW! Bottle Cap Rainbow
NEW! Bottle Cap Birdies
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