Read & Play Puppet Theater Review
Read & Play Puppet Theater Review
Gifted by: Quarto Knows
Reviewed by Christine Weiher, Editor,
Back in my day I used to play with paper dolls and change their outfits by folding the flap of the paper dress over the doll's shoulder. I also loved reading books, which I now enjoy reading to my two young daughters. When I was able to review Read & Play Puppet Theater from Quarto Knows, it brought back many memories while also making new memories.
There are two options of Read & Play Puppet Theaters: Princess Tales and Wolf Tales; I had the pleasure of playing around with Wolf Tales. This is by far one of the cutest inventions for little kids. Each theater comes with a book of three stories. When we first looked at all the pieces we saw three scenes that you are able to pull out of the side of the box through a slot. Much to my surprise, the scenes were double-sided! I did not realize this until the end of the first story in the book as it tells you what scene uses what puppet and which set. Clearly I didn't read the directions before diving into the fun. However, I would have liked to see this page published at the beginning of each story, so it was a little easier to follow.
In Wolf Tales, there are nine characters to interact with and each can be put through a slit at the top of the "stage". Each character is also double-sided with different facial expressions per side. For example, on one side of the three little pigs he is happy and smiling, but when you turn him over he has a scared facial expression for when the wolf is blowing his house down; this truly is a great way to make a story come to life.
My almost four-year-old loved switching the scenes and as you can imagine, this whole set is a bit time-consuming. If you're looking for a quick-read then you might not be a huge fan, but this is certainly perfect for a rainy day activity to keep the little ones busy. As you read the story, your little one can create the scene and make the characters come alive.
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