9 Tips to Teach Crochet for Kids
Teaching kids crochet will be a breeze with these 9 tips for fun and productive learning!

If you're an avid crocheter yourself, your kids have probably at least wondered about what you were doing and what you were making. If your child has begun to show interest in the wonderful world of crochet, then these 9 Tips to Teach Crochet for Kids will help you get them off to a good start. Share with them the love and complexity of crochet by introducing them to simple projects and techniques for beginners to foster their creativity and passion. Crochet is only as hard as one makes it out to be. But, by following this easy crochet for kids guide you'll be able to introduce your children to a realm of possibilities for their budding creativity.
Inspire your kids to craft by teaching them how to crochet for a new and fun way to be creative. It won't take very long for your child to learn the fine art of crochet and they'll be amazed at what is possible with just a hook and yarn. Learning to crochet is a versatile and valuable skill for your child to have as they will learn to make everything from wearable crafts to handmade toys and precious gifts. Inspire your child's imagination with these 9 tips to teach crochet for kids!
Easy Crochet for Kids Tips
Forget the Hook. Start your little ones out with no hook to lessen the initial disappointments that come with learning something new. Start with an easy Finger Crochet project to begin learning the basics of crochet. Only graduate to using a hook when your child feels comfortable and ready to begin using one.
Choose the appropriate yarn for beginners. For kids just beginning to crochet, you'll want to choose yarn that is bulky and smooth so your kids can focus their attention on technique rather than on the texture of the yarn. This Bernat Zapp Yarn would be great for a child's first project!
Involve your kids in choosing the color of yarn. Once you have the appropriate yarn picked out, pick up a few colors so your child can choose their favorite color. This will get them excited about their first project and learning to crochet.
Know when to make corrections and when to be silent. Kids aren't going to be perfect when they first begin crocheting and that's ok! While you should make corrections for larger and more obvious errors right away, you should not correct every single, tiny error. They will learn to fix smaller mistakes on their own as they practice and become more familiar with the process. This Hand-Crocheted Knit Bracelet will teach kids how to make a yarn chain, which can then be turned into a bracelet for an easy beginner's project!
Show, don't tell. Kids learning to crochet are going to benefit more if you take the time to actually show them each step instead of just telling them what to do. Kids are highly visual and will be much more likely to pick up a skill if you are willing to show them first. Brush up on your own skills by watching crochet videos such as this How to Single Crochet Video Tutorial, which will come in handy for showing your kids beginner stitches.
Work on a joint crochet project. Create something together to make learning a fun and enjoyable event that you both can look forward to. Make these Cute Crocheted Flip Flops for an awesome project you can complete with each other!
Teach your child the language of crochet as they learn it. Just as important as learning the actions is understanding the words associated with crochet. This will become crucial when your child begins reading patterns and will need to know the names of stitches, the meaning of specific symbols, and how to follow certain directions. Refer to this helpful Crochet Symbols and Directions Chart to review your own knowledge and teach your kids!
Let them move at their own pace. Don't push or force your child to finish something all at once or move onto a new skill if they don't want to. Encourage them to be creative with each new skill they learn and to finish a project when they want. Crochet is meant to be an enjoyable activity and learning should be fun as well. This way, they'll learn more effectively and begin to really enjoy it too! Have your kids make this Fantastic Crocheted Mustache that's so creative and easy, they won't want to stop!
Be sure to give lots of meaningful praise. Don't just tell your kids periodically that they're doing great or really getting the hang of it. Give them specific praise for things they're actually doing well. This means more to them and it shows you're truly invested in helping them learn to crochet the right way. Slowly advance to more complex projects such as this Crocheted iPhone Cover or this Crochet Flower Headband as your child's skills progress.
Do you have a tip for teaching kids crochet that you want to add? Share with us in the comments below!