Popsicle Stick Firecrackers Craft


Popsicle Stick Firecrackers Craft

Popsicle Stick Firecrackers Craft
Popsicle Stick Firecrackers Craft

"Do your kids love fireworks? Make these popsicle stick firecrackers for a fun 4th of July craft for kids. You can create these in about 30 minutes and use them for decorations. There are several types of fireworks and firecrackers used for holiday celebrations. Extend this craft project by learning about Independence Day, Diwali, and Chinese New Year. Looking for more fireworks crafts? Check out our list of craft ideas for kids. Letting the kids transform craft sticks into pretend fireworks is a safe alternative to playing with snaps or sparklers. So grab your supplies and create your own popsicle stick firecrackers! "


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