Fun Handprint Koala Craft


Fun Handprint Koala Craft

Fun Handprint Koala Craft
Fun Handprint Koala Craft

"Follow our 7 simple steps to see this handprint koala come to life. There are also a lot of ways for you to customize this koala and make it your own! Try using different colors of craft paper, adding as much detail to the branch as you’d like, or even making a much bigger tree for your koala. Your kids will have plenty of opportunities to let their creativity shine with this darling handprint animal."

Primary TechniquePaper Crafts


Materials List

  • Colored craft paper
  • Pencil
  • A pair of scissors
  • Googly eyes
  • Craft glue
  • Sharpies


  1. Select a colored craft paper for the head, handprint layout, and tail patterns. Select pink colored craft paper for the inner ears and the blush spots; and select black paper for the nose. The template includes a head, inner ears, blush spots, tail, nose, and handprint layouts. Trace and cut out the patterns from the selected papers.

  2. Glue the head cutout with the handprint cutout, on the thumb.

  3. Glue the tail cutout on the palm’s open side of the handprint layout.

  4. Glue the inner ear cutouts on the ear parts attached to the head pattern.

  5. Glue the nose cutout in the middle of the head pattern and then glue the 2 blush spots on the cheeks (on both sides of the nose).

  6. Attach 2 googly eyes on the top part of the head pattern.

  7. Use a black Sharpie or marker to draw the mouth of the paper koala.

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