Glitter Pencil Case
If you don't want to spend money on a new pencil case, but you don't think your old one is cool anymore, try your hand at this Glitter Pencil Case craft. It is incredibly easy to make your old stuff seem brand new when you add a bit of gorgeous sparkle. You can finish this back to school craft the night before your first day or even in the middle of a semester if you need a little sprucing of your school supplies. Make your drab pencil case into a cool pencil case by adding however much glitter you want and in whatever color is your favorite at the moment.
- Pencil case
- Chevron Shape Tape from Frogape
- Tulip Fashion Glitter Bond
- Tulip Fashion Glitter
- Foam Brush
Find this project and more in our eBook: 13 DIY School Supplies: Back to School Ideas for Kids of All Ages!
1. Place a piece of the chevron tape across the front of the penicl case. The higher up you place it, the more glittery your pencil case will be.
2. Using the foam brush, coat the section below the tape line with an even coat of fabric glue.
3. Pour the glitter over the wet glue. Press it down with your fingers to ensure that it sticks.
4. Make sure to save the excess glitter by returning it to the container.
5. Let the glue dry and remove the tape to reveal your awesome new pencil case!
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